Friday, November 1, 2013

     A leader that has made a major impact on my life is my three day event coach Gina Miles. Everytime she coaches me she pumps me up to try harder, give it my all, and do the best I can do. She tells me how much potential I have and really gives me a lot of constructive criticism. Over the past four years, during school breaks including summers I have had the opportunity of staying at her house and living with her. She is honestly like a second mom to me. She has two incredible children Austin and Taylor and her husband Morgan is very positive and supportive.  Austin and Taylor are both amazing and treat me like their older sister, we have gotten so close over the years. I am really so lucky to have them in my life. Gina Miles won the individual silver medal in the 2008 Beijing Olympics in three day eventing. She has really influenced and encouraged me in my riding and my expectations. Many people have called me Gina Miles’ prodigy which is honestly one of the greatest compliments from a horse person. I love having her as my main coach although I wish she lived closer. She lives in San Luis Obispo in a small town, called Templeton. She is the head trainer of her own company Gold Medal Equestrian. She is sponsored by some major Equestrian related companies, Professionals Choice, Devecoux French Saddles, Platinum PerformanceHorse Supplements. Everything she does from the way she speaks to her daily routine all speaks to a champion. She is orderly, methodical and has high expectations of those around her. In order to run and manage your own group and business it requires a lot of time, responsibility, logical reasoning and courage. She is a beautiful and courageous rider, she always puts the horses well being first. One of my favorite memories I would have to say was when Gina Miles just got back from the Olympics 2008,she was a guest speaker at our Pony Club, I was 10. I was able to get an individual lesson with her and after hear her Olympic journey, I had a spark go off throughout my body that I wanted to be an exceptional rider like her, and I am on my way to meet my greatest potential. When I ride beside her it is one of the most powerful feelings in the world. I feel like we could be Joan of Arc or Queen Elizabeth I going into battle.  One of my favorite quotes said by Gina Miles is “If you want to ride for fun ride a carousel” it just shows and tells how serious she takes the sport of three day eventing.

     In the novel, Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding main character Ralph is elected as a leader of the boys. Ralph shows his athleticism as a leader by building shelters and thinking of ways to be rescued off the island so they portay to be savages. On the other hand some of the other boys on the island are more intrigued that there are no adults to tell them what to do so they are portrayed to be more savage like, whereas Ralph gets down to business and takes initiative as leader to lead the boys to civilization and to get rescued off the island.  He pursues to reach civilization although that is soon shut down. As time unfolds Ralph's power as leader starts to take a turn. Ralph loses his power he is now abandoned and has no control over the boys of the island. 

     Comparing Gina Miles to Ralph, they both share outstanding leadership qualities but also have very many differences as leaders. Gina is more intelligent than Ralph is in Lord Of the Flies. The way that Ralph tries to run his group does not always turn out in success and a large majority of the time. As a coach Gina Miles gets immediate response and results. She also has a lot more experience as a leader rather than Ralph who is very young, which this is most likely his first time being a leader of this large of a young boy group without the assistance of an adult. Gina is the type of person that gets it the job done and doesn't mess around whereas Ralph has problems controlling his group. Both Gina and Ralph show similar leadership qualities their results definitely do vary amongst each other.