Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Not Everything Is What It Seems To Be

'Not everything is what it seems to be' is Malcom Gladwell's point. Malcolm Gladwell is an English-Canadian journalist, bestselling author, and speaker. I too also believe in his intelligent opinion, in his talks that we have watched during class, I have noticed he has clearly proven his point. When one takes a deeper look other subjects of matter become appear able. What stands out to me is to look at situations with a different perspective. For example, I would have never thought that Goliath had any health issues I assumed that he was just abnormally bigger than others. From the talk looking at the bigger picture is what I take out of this talk. 

The Spaghetti Evaluation story was interesting it made me think of how just like chips or yogurt, there is a large variety of flavors and types. There is not one perfect thing there are many Gladwell states. Sometimes people don't want to admit what they want or don't know what they want. Humans have a hard time making decisions for themselves so when the option is not given the choice is then not made. I believe that goes for our lives. He also said that when we peruse something it becomes very successful. The studies brought success to the spaghetti sauce business. 

I also took away that different people like different things and have different tastes. In my life I think about the way people tend to dress, wear their make-up, and do their hair. I think that makes us different and helps us peruse different aspects and looks. Expressing yourself in our appearance shows character. I conclude that these talks are very intriguing and help me to think more critically about scenarios differently in life. Additionally helps me to look to different options of solutions and to be more open minded. It was interesting that he stated that your greatest strength could be your greatest weakness, in reality. I never had thought about the idea of that before. I enjoy watching these talks very much and will peruse reading some of his books. 

For more information about Malcolm Gladwell visit