Friday, March 21, 2014

Tech Friday #3 SurveyMonkey

In this survey there were questions about Sororities and Fraternities. Its about 50/50 for the people who do and don't want to be one. Another question we asked was if you had known anyone in a Sorority or Frat, the response was a lot of people know people who are in sororities and frats. Many people thought that they were cool and interesting. Many of the survey takers had gone and visited sororities. Not many of them knew names of different sororities. Some of the recorded reasons of wanting to join one was parties, charities and making more friends.

Tech Friday #3 SurveyMonkey

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Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.
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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Discussuion Question Blog Post #3

Evaluate why the the young ladies in Sorority Sisters are so desperate to have a constant relationship in their lives.  

Good Relationships Don't Just Happen, True Love is Rare
     In the novella Sorority Sisters Karen, Diane, Laurie, and Ellen all feel that they need a constant male relationship in their lives. These young women find themselves feeling satisfied by a man's approval. Their understand is, that having a man in their lives make them better people, which has proven to be not true in each of the young ladies' lives. They need to understand what love is before giving their hearts away just for them to get broken once again. Throughout the book it becomes a cycle. The reason for this could be that the book was written  in the time period of the 70s. In the 70s women still relied much more on men to provide for them as their jobs were to be housewives in the men's households. Each of the young women had poor relationships with their fathers so they yearn for the attention of a male in their lives. For example, when Diane fears her father's future disappointment in her. "I'm not going to be able to follow in Dad's footsteps, not that Dad ever made a point of telling me he wanted me to shadow his career trajectory. But I had certain expectations that I would, and he must have had the same expectations, and now they're toast" (176). Diane always feels the need for approval in her life and in her relationships she uses boyfriends to feel successful and confidents in herself.  Their insecurities in themselves become overruled by the use of boyfriends to satisfy their self-esteems. Next, Laurie allows her boyfriends to overpower her because she does not understand how people in love act towards each other. Laurie will love anybody that likes her back, even if it means giving up herself to him. After Ellen adapts to how Mike treats people she starts to become like him in a negative way. For example, the way she speaks to people. "The last few times I've been with Ellen, she's been like this; as cutting as a knife, honed down to razor sharpness" (416). She starts to show the saucy, bitter, and abrupt side of her. After years pass Ellen finally realizes what has happened to her. At first she assumed that the other ladies were jealous that she had a husband. Mike should of loved Ellen for who she was she should not have had to change herself for his benefit. Karen, Diane, Laurie, and Ellen's  love each is filled with compassion, they truly love each other unconditionally. These elite group of young women need to find men that bring out the best in them and love them for who they are. True love accepts the other for who they are and loves them regardless of any flaws they might have because love and perfection is in the eye of the beholder. 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Discussion Question Blog Post #2

Explain why the ladies' relationships don't always have happy endings, is it possibly due to their morals?

"I have found the one my soul Loves" Song of Soloman 3:4
     The four sophisticated young women Ellen, Karen, Diane and Laurie each have their own relationship challenges which in the end does not turn out to be very successful. Each of these young women are part of the Beta Pi Sorority at ULA.  Together they grow to become sisters for life thru thick and thin. Ellen, Karen, Diane and Laurie have all experienced heart break. While growing up relationships can be very fun, experiencing life with your love can be so exciting. But, some times these relationships become very time consuming, heart wrenching, and possibly quite costly. After having your heart broken or relationships that don't work out and fall thru multiply times, one may start to question "what am I doing wrong". In the novel Sorority Sisters by Claudia Welch Laurie is surprised to hear the words that Holly has to say "About Pete getting engaged to some girl at Pepperdine. When did you guys break up?"(411).  After having her boyfriend get engaged to another women Laurie is heartbroken. Laurie tends to like the kind of guy that after a while gets bored with her. Pete cheated on Laurie with his high school  ex girlfriend her name was Beth but she was also known as Barbie. Pete proposes to "Barbie" while he still going out with Laurie. After Laurie  dates Doug, he is also part of the ROTC, he left her breaking her heart. After three years of dating and no engagement, Laurie realizes that Doug has always been in love with Karen and never felt love for Laurie. Looking back on this relationships as an example a majority of the time the girls were taken advantage of and were to naive to see that happening to them. The ladies should have been more strong with there morals and not giving in to the relationship pressure and making bad choices. Through their relationships they all lack morals and knowing  what love should be and look like.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Discussion Question Blog Post #1 Sorority Sisters

Evaluate the friendship of the girls in the sorority and how their relationships with each other have developed throughout the novel thus far. 

The four elegant, elite, and young women EllenKaren, Diane and Laurie have only known each other for a very short amount of time, but they each have grown to become sisters, while living together in the Beta Pi Sorority House. Each of these young ladies joined the sorority for many different reasons for example to make more friends or were even forced to join by their parents, each of them grew to love and support one another. Through the struggles that life brings, while being a young female college student.  Which includes guys, parties, grades and friend drama. The girls have managed so far to stick by each others' sides through thick and thin. They can clearly spot out when one of them is feeling not themselves or in need of comfort. After living under the same roof they realize that they are always there for each other and are on the same team which requires working together as one. Whether in studies or relationships Ellen, Karen, Diane and Laurie have each others back. Halloween this year brought a very large extravagant party for the sororities and fraternities of UCLA. Most of the young ladies decided to go dressed in their most creative Halloween costumes. Laurie decides to go with Pete her boyfriend instead of going to the party with her girl friends. She did not tell them where she was going or with whom. This group of girls are so tightly bonded they can tell when one of them is down and not feeling like a preppy outgoing sorority girl. ""Hey, are you okay?" Karen asks me, testing the water temperature in the faucet with her finger tips. Both Ellen and Karen are staring at me in the mirror. I look at their reflections, not my own. "You look worn-out" " (247).  Karen quickly picks up on Diane's mood and can immediately tell that something isn't right. These girls have become so close and connected to now they know when one of them is "off" in their actions or attitude. Being able to identify when something is wrong with another person shows how well these girls have come to know each other. When the girls first became part of the sorority they were not nearly as connected as they have become over this amount of time. By taking on life together as a team Ellen, Karen Diane and Laurie help each other conquer what life lays in their paths.