Tuesday, October 15, 2013

What stood out to me the most in the chapter Three The Warren Harding Error: Why We Fall For Tall, Dark, and Handsome Men by Malcolm Gladwell, was how people could be so easy to make assumptions by physical appearances. First impressions definitely play a major role in how one might view another person. The takeaway in this passage is to not be easy to judge others by their appearances because appearances can be very deceiving for example in the chapter how Warren Harding looked like a confident powerful leader but really he was not dependable and went down in history as one of the worst presidents in American history. This chapter can be brought into our discussion because even though we try not to base our opinions on looks but our brain automatically basis things on outward appearances, height, color of skin, athletic build, male vs. female. We should look to character traits rather that looks such as responsibility, loyalty, trust worthy, positive mental attitude, and compassion. I took the race test and my results were little to no automatic preference between African American children and European American children. I feel that my results came true to what I think that I am not a very bias person especially between races. Therefore, I was not surprised with my results because I feel that we are all created equally no matter what color of skin. I think being brought up in California we are more exposed to different races being extremely successful. We have a more open attitude  even between sexes so many mothers are just as successful as their husbands. When it comes to youth and different races I think music really shapes our attitudes towards young black men. The lyrics to songs are pretty sketchy vs someone like Taylor Swift who talk about every girls thoughts. At the end of the day we (Danville Youth) are smart enough to know much of the music though is really provocative so that typical white suburban kids like us will buy their music. The interesting thing for example Drake one of the most successful singers/rappers was brought up very similar to most of us, pretty affluent. I think we are headed towards a society that is more and more accepting and I think that is a good thing.

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